My time at Farnborough really helped me to gain confidence in myself and obtain the skills I needed to successfully study at university. I was worried when I joined the university that other students would have a better understanding of topics and further maths than I did, but it turned out that my physics and maths A levels had given me a thorough grounding in all subjects. Studying geography had also given me essay and report writing skills which I have used throughout my first year.
Farnborough taught me how to manage my own time and meet my deadlines. This has been really beneficial as its not a taught skill at university and many of my fellow students struggled initially to keep track of their deadlines.
I am dyslexic and so needed extra help to understand the language of exam questions. All of my teachers were very willing to give me this help as well as offer it to the other students in my class. The small classes allowed teachers to have a good relationship with each student and this meant that they knew our abilities and aims really well and could give us the one-to-one time we needed to achieve them. I achieved A*AA in my A levels and qualified for a scholarship at my university. I don’t think I would have done so well at a different college.