
Course Basket

Below is a list of courses you have added to the basket.

Please check these courses, removing any you don’t want to apply for and if you are happy click the apply button at the bottom.

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  • Vocational Introduction to College

    This is a course for students aged 16-19 wanting to progress to a Level 1 course in a vocational area. Students may have studied GCSEs achieving F or G/1 or worked on Certificates of Achievement, Asdan or OCR and may have required additional learning support during their time at mainstream or specialist secondary schools. The course is taught in small friendly learning groups with learning support available. The aim of the course is to enable students to develop the personal independence, confidence, skills and knowledge they need to progress to Level 1 in their chosen vocational area. There are study support classes included in the timetable to help students develop important independent study skills. All students will have the option to complete a work experience.

    Site: Farnborough Campus Mode: Full Time
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