
How a Man with an Orange Tie Inspired Hundreds of Students

Steve Beckles-Ebusua, known as the ‘Speaker with the Orange Tie’, inspired many of our English and Maths students this March with his energetic and confidence-boosting motivational talk.

Steve started the talk by requesting a volunteer. When a brave student from the audience volunteered to get up on stage, they were congratulated and given a prize. This was to highlight to students that getting up and doing gets you a result – in this case, a free orange pen! Students were reminded that you can talk about doing things but it is the act of getting up and doing that makes the difference. They were encouraged to adopt this mindset when completing coursework and working towards their future career goals.

Throughout the talk, students were challenged to think about the way they view tasks and challenges by exploring how the brain works, how hormones and chemicals affect the way we feel, and how we learn to perceive the world. To help students get the most out of their education, Steve encouraged them to keep asking questions when they don’t understand and to believe in themselves. They were reminded of how it feels to complete a goal and to focus on this feeling rather than focus on the difficulties of the task at hand.

Student Rosemary Wati said “The talk was really cool and encouraging. He taught us a lot about our brain and how we think. He taught us to be more confident and motivated.”

Student Bal Gurung said: “It was really entertaining and interactive. I felt tired and down when I woke up this morning but after the talk I felt happy – it made my day!”

The talk was organised by Head of English and Maths, Tyra Bashir, who wanted to help students become motivated and adopt an enthused approach to education.

Topics covered in the talk included:

• The importance of a growth mindset
• Motivation strategies and tips
• Life guidance and employability
• Progressing and being successful in life
• Goals and ambitions through the way we think

Student Cameron Boyd said: “Steve taught us to adapt to be comfortable in uncomfortable situations which is a skill we’ll need in the future. I feel like I’m going to change the way I think about things. Instead of thinking about just trying to pass Maths I can think about how it will benefit me in my future career as an officer in the Army.”

Student Josh Cavanagh said: “The talk was quirky and a new way of getting us to feel more confident. It made me believe in myself and opened my eyes to a new way of seeing things. I feel I can now ‘do’ instead of just thinking.”

Applications are still open for all courses starting this September. You can explore our full list of courses here.

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