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Successful Matrix Accreditation for Information, Advice and Guidance

The Marketing and Learner Services teams at the College have once again achieved their Matrix Accreditation for information, advice and guidance (IAG) services.

The tremendous result is based on the experiences of an external assessor visiting the College to learn about how the two teams provide IAG services to school students, college students, schools, employers and the community.

Director of MIS & Learner Services, Heather Coburn, was pleased with the outcome. She said “We have always known that the College’s Marketing and Learner Services teams offer a first-rate service to those we work with. This result helps to showcase all of the good work that goes into ensuring our students have all the right experiences before, and during, their time at college to be successful, happy and prepared for their next step in life.”

Principal Virginia Barrett added “There has been continuous improvement in our services to students since our previous successful accreditation, ranging from our counselling services to collaborative work with universities. This quality benchmark should reassure all students that they are part of a college that not only provides excellent teaching, but offers fantastic information, advice and guidance to all learners.”

Following the visit, it was reported that:

“The overarching feedback from learners, staff, managers and partners indicated that there was a tangible sense of community on campus, that IAG was suffused throughout the whole learner experience from pre-arrival through to exit interviews, that communication between the leadership team, managers, staff, learners and partners was robust and sustained and that there was a commitment to quality improvement. Key issues such as equality and diversity, the implications of new legislation, such as GDPR and the central place of safeguarding and Prevent information was embedded in structures, systems and delivery. A sense of strategic direction from a ‘whole college’ staff and partner perspective, was clearly apparent.”

“Staff in Learner Services and Marketing were highly committed, professional in their approach, collaborative and cognisant about continuous improvement. Partners described the teams as ‘going the extra mile‘ and ‘delivering above and beyond their role’ in their collaborative work. Learners described them as ‘pro-active’ and highly responsive.”

“Learners fed back that support and discussion around progression and personal development was a part of their learning and that there was strong linkage between their learning and their future.”

“Learners and partners consistently fed back that they receive an excellent service. Learners could describe the range of IAG services available to them, for example, in finance, counselling, careers and health, and noted that staff were impactful and helpful. Similarly, they felt the promotion of events and services was highly effective, noting that,

“Advertising is everywhere about the services, pop ups, through classes, by email, by a bulletin….you cannot fail to know what’s available to us”.(Learner)

“They (FCoT) are so responsive and supportive. They keep in touch, they follow up, and they keep us up to date with what’s on offer”. (Partner)

Feedback from our students included:

“I don’t feel like a number, I feel known. I’ve felt supported the whole time”.

“It’s all about the student”.

“They really promote the services open to us well, advertising is everywhere, even at the end of lessons. Pop ups appear on our screens”.

The Matrix Accreditation follows a successful review of the College’s Higher Education provision in 2017 by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) and the College’s Outstanding Ofsted rating, awarded in 2011.

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