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Thoughtful Student Awarded for Community Contributions

Motor Vehicle student Brandon created a YouTube channel to keep busy during lockdown, when he discovered that his videos had been helping to combat loneliness and worries in others of his age.

“At the start of the pandemic I was still at school getting ready to do my GCSE exams, when like a lot of students my age everything was turned upside-down. We went into school the day after the Prime Minister’s broadcast about the country going into lockdown and were told that this was our last day. We were told to say goodbye to our friends, that our exams were cancelled, and even our prom was possibly going to be cancelled – which in the end it was.”

“I started my YouTube Channel to take my mind off of things when lockdown started. After months of doing so, I found that a lot of people felt the same way I did, so I decided to carry on making videos for my channel to help people like myself through these tough times.”

“I’d recently slowed down on uploading to concentrate more on my college work. It was only then that I found out how many people my channel had helped, as they started messaging me to find out if I was okay and where I was. I’m going to come back to social media soon to hopefully help more people like myself, letting them know they’re not alone and there are people out there that will listen.”

For his compassion to help others, Brandon received a Morrisons Little Sunshine Award, which recognises young people in the local community who have been outstanding during the pandemic. He described receiving the award as ‘unexpected’ and ‘warming’. The award also recognised his efforts in helping out relatives and neighbours with shopping and other tasks during the pandemic.

“Sadly my neighbour became unwell at the start of the pandemic, so I made her my main priority while still looking after others like my grandparents. To put other people first has always been me, and will always be me. I really wasn’t expecting to receive the award, but I’m really pleased that I’ve been able to help others during this difficult time.”

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