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Top Tips for Working From Home

Don’t forget – it’s important to take steps to look after your wellbeing during the lockdown. Visit our Remote Working Wellbeing page for information on where you can find support, advice for looking after your wellbeing and tips for staying safe online.

Working from home can come with a few distractions and might take some adjusting to. Try following some of these tips for remote working success!

1. Get dressed like it’s a normal college day

It might be tempting to wear pyjamas all day, but getting dressed will help you to separate your time spent working and time spent relaxing. You might even find yourself feeling more motivated!

2. Work at a desk or table

Try to avoid working on a sofa or bed. Sitting at a table will help you to feel more productive and keep you away from distractions. It’s also much better for your back and posture.

3. Make a plan and take some breaks

To avoid getting distracted, make yourself a realistic plan of work to stick to. It’s also good to schedule short breaks throughout the day to help you focus and give your eyes a rest from the screen.

4. Stay in-touch with your tutor and classmates

Your tutor is just an email away and can help you with any lesson content you’re stuck on. Keeping in contact with your classmates can be helpful too. Use group chats as a space to ask questions and help motivate each other.

5. Take advantage of technology

By using your college email address, you can access lots of free software and apps to support your study. Your college email address is your student number followed by See the Intranet for more details!

6. Look after your wellbeing

Click here to see our page on looking after your wellbeing when working from home. Don’t be too hard on yourself – there have been lots of lifestyle changes and new things to adjust to. Make sure to look after your wellbeing by eating healthy, getting plenty of sleep, exercising and taking time to relax.

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