Wednesday 22nd December 2021
Dear Students,
Well done on your successful completion of the first academic term of the year.
We have much to celebrate this term. A number of students have been working very hard to revise for their English and Maths re-sits in November and are awaiting their results in January. One student in Motor Vehicle successfully achieved a Bronze medal in the recent UK World Skills finals. The students in the Gallery have been working hard to provide wonderful food for guests.
Some reminders for the next academic term:
When you come back in January, make sure when you are on campus, you are wearing your FCoT lanyard. This helps us to identify you and to make sure there are only people on site that are supposed to be here.
When you come back in January, make sure you are also wearing your FCoT mask in communal areas. This is line with Government guidance to help prevent the spread of Covid-19. We ask you to wear an FCoT branded mask so that we can identify you and safeguard everyone at College. We also ask students to complete their twice-weekly saliva tests, or a lateral flow test where they are unable to complete a saliva test.
I know how passionate young people are about the environment and looking after the environment for the future. In line with this, please make sure you are clearing up your litter and putting this in the bin. We all have a responsibility to keep the College nice for everyone, so please do tidy up after yourself.
Do remember also that FCoT turns out professionals. Therefore, a reminder about professional behaviours: remember to eat drink only in designated areas, and be respectful of staff and fellow students at all times.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas and look forward to seeing you in the New Year ready to learn, with your masks and lanyards on.
Yours sincerely,
Virginia Barrett
Principal CEO
Farnborough College of Technology