
Employers: Advertise a Job to Students

Advertise your vacancies for free to over 5,000 students and recent graduates

Advertise your vacancies for free to over 5,000 students and recent graduates

Advertise a job vacancy to our students, including full-time, part-time, internships, temporary or voluntary roles using the form below. Regardless of sector, location, or size of organisation, all organisations are welcome to post their vacancies. Once submitted, the job post will be listed on our Jobs Board page, which students can access here.

Please note, after submitting a vacancy to us, we need to review it before hopefully approving it to be displayed on the Jobs Board.

The College’s Job Board is a free-of-charge job posting service. It is for students looking for paid employment and makes no recommendations regarding potential employers or employees.

To make sure your vacancy is approved, please make sure:

  • It is for a specific vacancy, e.g. not an advert for an agency
  • There is a suitable amount of information provided
  • Your advert stands out and is easy to read! If you are copying and pasting the information in, that the formatting looks correct and is easy to read. For example, the text is not one long paragraph or just a long list of bullet points

Please note, we can only post full-time vacancies from the end of May, or full-time vacancies that start from August onwards at any time. This is the most common reason for us to decline adverts.

Leave this blank if the location is not important.
Select if this is a remote position.

Company Details

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