Our students are holding their own hustings and vote on the big European Union question on Wednesday, June 15.
The Mockerendum debate will be held a week before the whole country goes to the polls to decide whether the UK wants to leave or remain part of the European Union.
Representing the views from both sides of the In/Out debate will be:
Students will receive tutorials on the Referendum in the morning. Following the debate, students will be able to ask questions. The final outcome will be announced later the same day.
Head of Academic Studies Adam Seddon, who organised the event, said:
It will be incredibly interesting to see how the vote turns out. Who knows, it may well reflect the thoughts and beliefs of young people nationally.
While many of the students taking part are under 18 and therefore not eligible to vote as yet, the process is a great way of exploring the issues around the EU and also give our students the valuable experience of understanding how the democratic process works.
The running order is:
Following the closing statements, students will be asked to give a show of hands as to whether they want to Leave/Remain. They will be given the chance to go to the ballot box throughout the day.
The final outcome is expected to be announced at the end of the day.